Thursday 16 July 2009

It's Been Confirmed

Yes everyone, Stepney Down is DEFINATELY going to this exhibition, unless something dire happens just as it is about too, so I've got to get my rear end in gear and make sure it's finished in time, or at least decent(er).

Still to be done:

Point rodding (for switching each point)
Mend the broken Isolator (that doesn't isolate)
Add the backscene
Give parts of the roadway a repaint
Fill any small gaps of missing ballast.

As you can see, not a HUGE amount, but enough to keep me going.

The exhibition is being held in Berkhampsted on Saturday 10th October 2009. Doors open from 10am I THINK.

That's all for now. If anyone's in that area on the day, pop in and visit ;)

Sunday 12 July 2009


Stepney Down has just been offered a possible place at an exhibition in Berkhampsted, Hertfordshire, on 10th October 2009!!!
I will keep you informed on what happens with this, but this is a major step!!!

So, so far I have:

Ting And District, 10th October 2009 (Possible)
De Haviland MRC, Date and Exhibition Unconfirmed (Possible)
Ilford And West Essex MRC, Date Unconfirmed (Possible)

Fingers crossed I have many more to come....

Railway Modeller Pictures

While I'm Still Awaiting Response, here is a preview at some of the pictures I took for the magazine...