Thursday 3 December 2009

Locomotive News/Updates

For those who don't know, things have gone well.

For the new upcoming Thomas Layout, I have now purchased Salty and Mavis locos, and Alex has bought Cranky. These engines will also see use on Stepney Down.

I also have bought a new engine- BR Manour Class ERLESTOKE MANOR. A beautiful loco and I look forward to running it in on my line- a perfect fit I feel especially after all the thoughts between that and another one I saw...

Finally, my tram engine, which packed in at exhibition, is working once again. But I am now going to give it some fresh paint to smarten it up a bit. It is a bit scruffy I must say...

That seems to be all for now. I'm sure I had something else to say, but never mind.

Stay tuned....