Saturday 29 August 2009

Visitors, Work And YouTube

Okey doke, update time I think.
Jack from Buckley railway has agreed to lend a Gresley V3, An LNER 0-6-0 Tank engine and an 0-6-0 Southern Terrier "VENTOR" from mid September till Mid October for use at Stepney Down over the exhibition. I am most grateful for that.

In other news, the website, , has been going brilliantly and I am enjoying the fictional history of the line and engines and everything. To go with the site, Stepney Down is now on YouTube, so check there for videos and pictures.

Modelling news, I am off to paint the fiddle yard boards black, the back of the backscenes black and the legs black. The backscenes will also be done today.
My resident 4F loco now has couplings on, so will enter service on Stepney Down soon while I find the lining and badge and number required.
As for the Horrage Crab, the chasis is now fixed, with thanks to Clive, and the tenders missing coal section covered with card, with coal lumps added onto that. A coupling has been fixed to the tender and so the engine is very nearly ready for full service.

That's all for now I believe, and I am going to try and get SD in another magazine, seeing how RailwayModeller never replied, I wonder if British Railway Modelling or The Hornby Magazine wuld be interested....

Friday 21 August 2009

Backscenes, Points And Websites

Ok, time for a work update

In the spaces of time where it's not been raining and I've not been busy, I have had chances to work on Stepney Down. So far, The backscenes have had a coat of white paint, and will soon have hints of blue and the sky will be done. An extra board has been added at one end to hide the gluey shed ends.
The points have also seen some work, and now 7 of the 10 points have switching rods under the boards.

I have also opened up a fictional railway website for the station with a stock list:

That's all for now, I'm in the process of getting ready for exhibition in October...