Saturday 21 May 2011

In the process...

What luck- I found some blue paint in the shed, so the backscenes are being painted this weekend!
Still several more to do, and they will need clouds added, either using chalk dust or paint and a sponge... or some other method...

Almost A Month Left...

I just over a month Stepney Down will be at the Basildon model railway exhibition (weekend of 2nd and 3rd July.)

There is still a fair amount of work to do though. With money being so lacking a the moment, I have not yet been able to buy new points. However, with what has been saved I should be able to do this over the coming week. It will then be a race against time to remove the broken sets, put these in, ballast around them AND install the new switching method. The latter job may not be done until the layout is revamped in a few years time, but the others will need doing before July.

One important job to be done is replacement of the backscenes. The boards for these have warped drastically and are in dire need of replacement. I have bought some new plywood boards for these, which will be painted into a better looking sky I hope. This I think is more important than the points, as points blades can be soldered so that trains can pass over them in the most important direction, but the backscenes need to be good so the layout looks nice.

The backscenes should be done by next weekend, when I shall hopefully have some blue paint by.

On the actual layout itself, not a lot needs doing. Track will need a clean and the platform needs a repaint (hopefully into a concrete grey- too much black on the layout at the moment) but asides from that nothing major needs doing. I will tidy it up a little before July and give it all a proper run-in again, but I can't do this until my mentioned jobs are complete.

That's all for now I think. Check back soon.